The kick-off meeting of the project “egov_INNO – E-government services and tools from regional governments and regional development bodies to support and coordinate the regional research and innovation capital”, funded by  INTERREG V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014 – 2020, was held in Patras on 10-11 July 2018, at the Regional Council Hall.

All partners, Regional Development Fund of Region of Western Greece (Lead beneficiary), Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”, Innova Puglia S.P.A. and Apulia Region initiated the project tasks.

The project aims to deliver effective and feasible G2B e-government applications tailored to the needs of the participating regions leading to better governance and faster delivery of services to the local private sector and is expected to enhance significantly the market intelligence on both territories by promoting tools and platforms for joint cross-border initiatives & increase the capacity of businesses and innovation stakeholders to utilize the available innovation support services and clusters/networks.

More information:

Greece: Email:  W:

Italy: Puglia Region – Joint Secretariat Communication Officer

Carmela Sfregola +39 3493916007;