Brief profile of InnovaPuglia Spa

InnovaPuglia S.p.A. is Apulia Region’s in-house company and partner for the strategic ICT innovation. InnovaPuglia drives the Apulia Region in the setting of a Regional Digital System for the development of innovative smart services that achieve the goal of improving the citizens life quality.


InnovaPuglia accompanies the Apulia Region in the definition and implementation of the Regional Digital System, through:

• Integrated enabling infrastructures: RUPAR (regional public administration net), Territorial Informative System, e-health Informative System, “Sistema Puglia” platform, EmPULIA (Public e-procurement platform), Turism Integrated System, e-justice Informative System;

• Smart specialization and community: Doctors network, SMEs network, Welfare on “Sistema Puglia” platform network, (tour operators and tourism public bodies Network), Puglia Experience, (travelers network), LivingLabs (ICT innovation network);

• Innovative services: Telematics Infrastructures and NGN services, Identity Provider, Single authorization for renewable energy plants, wireless NGN for health and civil protection, GIS services, Specialized services for Territorial Planning and Urban Affairs, on line Territorial authorizations, e-health record, Augmented reality services for tourism, e-procurement, On line services for accredited suppliers, e-commerce for PA, Penalty record, On line calls.

Apulia Region government commits the task of implementing European Digital Agenda to InnovaPuglia, according to the paradigm of Open and Smart Innovation, in order to simplify the citizen-public administration relationship and rationalize public spending review.
The InnovaPuglia mission is to implement digital infrastructures and services, ensuring coordination and concentration of economic resources, transparency of procedures, high quality of the operational standards.

The goal is to promote:

• the growth of smart communities, featured by active participation;
• the Socio-economic development, based on digital and R&D innovation;
• the improvement of efficiency, interoperability and cooperation of the Apulia Region administration.

InnovaPuglia is also:

• Public Provider and it manages EmPULIA, the Centre for Public e-procurement (;
• Intermediate organization, it supports Apulia Region and carries out duties on behalf of such an authority vis-à-vis beneficiaries implementing operations.


InnovaPuglia implement the Regional Digital Agenda in continuity with what was achieved in the 2007-2013 program and using this methodological guidelines:

• Valorisation of previous investments and consolidation of investments, experiences, practices and ‘brands’ already established.
• Integration of the implemented systems, to maximize synergies and increase the added value of individual services.
• Data sharing, to minimize redundancy and ensure the uniqueness of the data.
• Interoperability between processes and administrative services.
• Transparency and accessibility. Dissemination of open data and reuse of public data.
• Innovation in the ICT sector.
• Support to policies for the diffusion of digital technologies in companies with a view to Open Innovation.
Organizational Structure

The company is organized into three Divisions and an Organizational Unit:

• General Affairs Division
• Consulting and Technical Assistance Division
• IT and Telematic Division
• Organizational Unit SArPULIA