The management structure has been planned on two levels: 1) a core level (addressed in WPs 3-5); 2) a supporting framework (Addressed in WPs 1-2). The core level of the project is in charge to WP Leaders that coordinate the involved partners in the execution of previously described tasks. The WP leaders interact with the Project Manager (PM) for the conduction of the activities and for the knowledge diffusing, with the Technical Manager (TM) for the technical management. WP Leaders will report on a quarterly basis to the PM and TM.
They have responsibility for day to day management of specific work related to individual task. This includes the implementation of the work package tasks as defined by the Work Plan, resolution of technical problems, follow-up and coordination of the participants involved, production of the corresponding deliverables and delivery to the Project Management, preliminary identification of risks and reporting of progress against the plan.
WP2 Information and publicity
WP2 (the Work Package related with Dissemination) has 2 main objectives. It will make the results widely available to stakeholders (policy makers, staff operating the tools and all groups of beneficiaries) in the participating regions and to obtaining the feedback from them. Secondly, through an already constituted list of interested stakeholders, it will aim at disseminating the results to all interested local authorities and business chambers throughout the areas of Greece – Italy programme.
The communication tools will put forward ICT but will also build on 4 public conferences (2 interregional, 2 regional), 6 regional workshops/events and 6 press releases, 4 thematic brochures corresponding to the sub-objectives of the project and 3 newsletters communicating the project activities and advancements.
Apart from the general project description and final booklets, all dissemination materials will be primarily electronic, both for cost-efficiency, easy handling, and communicating the information society spirit of the project. All the materials will be produced in print-ready format so that partners who wish to disseminate them on paper may do so (on their own budget basis). The same principle will be applied for translations.
As far as the ICT tools are concerned, the project communication will be supported by a website comprising 3 sections:
– A public website, containing project and partner descriptions, news, events, calendars, publications (in Greek, Italian and English).
– An intranet section for the storage of working documents and internal communication
– A social networking presence to enhance collaboration, edited by all partners and interested stakeholders, acting also as a good practice depot (for the practices collected through WP3).
WP3 Collection of best cases, needs analysis and guidelines for implementation
The project begins with an extensive study on state of the art and collection of experiences on successful G2B e-government applications (on the following 5 axes (application areas):
1. e-tools to monitor and support the process of financing for investment plans of enterprises,
2. e-services to accelerate the process related with starting a business with emphasis on start-ups,
3. information services for enterprises with emphasis on young innovators (e.g. database of incubator services, co-working spaces etc),
4. social networking tools to support smart match-making and collaboration of enterprises (supporting their networking and clustering) as well as linkage between the business and the R&D community,
5. business intelligence applications to monitor the regional and cross-border entrepreneurship and innovation (an important mechanism to support innovative business support policies and collaboration between enterprises in cross-border level).
Based on the outcomes of this work the project carries out its local needs analysis to identify te set of e-services and tools needed to cover them. Moreover, in this phase the requirements of a common platform (innobarometer) will also be set.
WP4 Develop and Apply a set of e-services and tools
Based on the outcomes of the previous activities the consortium will develop the set of e-services and tools needed for specific needs indentified (taking under consideration the existing e-government infrastructure of the two Regions).
The development of the tools will be followed by the application phase focusing on three specific economic areas of interest for the two regions (agro-business, tourism/cultural heritage and ICT) leading to detailed plans for future results portability.
WP5 Exploitation activities to boost the innovation cycle
The whole initiative will be accompanied With exploitation activities to boost the innovation cycle of the covered regions by implementing parallel activities such as:
– Proceed on initiatives in collaboration with the academic and/or research community (call for papers on selected issues related with the developed e-tools, conferences).
– Organize seminars for SMEs (e.g. train them on e-tools developed).
– Matchmaking events for SMEs (e.g. in the framework of relevant innovation promotion days organized by the two regions).