The project “Egov_INNO – E-government services and tools from regional governments and regional development bodies to support and coordinate the regional research and innovation capital” is a cross border cooperation funded by Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014 – 2020 Programme.

The project’s main objective is to deliver e-government services for the private sector by contributing to the improvement of the utilization of customized e-government services for business (e.g. for innovative start-ups) proposing effective and feasible applications leading to better governance and more efficient delivery of services tailored to the needs of the local economies.

In its first months of implementation, as defined in the project plan, several practices have been collected by the consortium in selected application areas. In the next implementation stage, all partners are working towards the definition of best practices and the collection of SMEs needs on their territories.

On 6th and 7th February 2019 the second project meeting has been organized in Apulia Region premises in Bari. In this meeting all collected practices (86 in total) have been presented in brief and the consortium discussed the needed next steps for their evaluation and their connection with SMEs needs in the two regions. This analysis will allow for the definition of an effective action plan for implementation of important services and tools in the collaboration area.

In the forthcoming month awareness raising events will take place in both regions for gathering the local needs and deliberating with major stakeholders.
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