Two consultation series of the Action Plan on the European project EGOV-
INNO of the Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020 has been organized by the
Regional Development Fund of the Region of Western Greece, as the
Project Coordinator, on Monday 27 May 2019. The first took place at the
Region of Western Greece premises, in which entrepreneurship support
bodies were participated. The second took place at the Chamber of Achaia
premises, in which companies operating in the area were participated.
The project EGOV-INNO aims to develop action plans in the participating
regions for the deployment of e-government services for enterprises (G2B
services). These plans will be based on an international search of practices
from competent authorities, adapted to the local needs of the GR-IT area.
Intelligent tools that gather, process and analyze market data will be
developed within the project lifetime in order to be tested for their
effectiveness and added value to the local economies. A cross-border
innovation and entrepreneurship barometer is also a part of the project
results that will assist all actors of the regional innovation ecosystems to
grow and develop.
The speakers of the consultation events were researchers from the Center
for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE). KEPE is the largest research
institute in the field of economic science in Greece to investigate issues
related to the Greek economy. In its capacity as an advisory body to the
Ministry of Economy and Development, from which it is supervised, it
provides the State with technical services in economic and social policy
matters. Following are their details.
• Dr. Alexandra Kontolaimou, specializes in business and market
• Dr. Prodromos Prodromides, specializing in labor economics and regional
• Dr. Ioanna Reziti specializes in rural economy issues.
It is noted that already in March, events were organized by the Regional
Development Fund of the Region of Western Greece for the promotion of
the project egov_INNO in the Chambers of Achaia, Ilia and Aitoloakarnania.
Photos of the events are attached.