Consultation events in the framework of the project “egov_INNO”of the Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020
Ημερίδες Διαβούλευσης στο πλαίσιο του Έργου “egov_INNO” του Προγράμματος Ελλάδα-Ιταλία 2014-2020 Invitations: Invitation Pyrgos Invitation Mesologi Agendas: Agenda Pyrgos Agenda Mesologi
Pesentation of the egov_INNO project, within a meeting organized by The University of Bari
Presentation about the egov_INNO proejct and its under development tools under the framework of the workshop which took place as part of an European meeting of an Erasmus+’ project, in…
Conference on Regional Entrepreneurship and Innovation Μarch 30, 2020, Bari (Apuglia) and April 24-25, 2020, Patras (Western Greece)
We are happy to announce the call for papers on regional innovation and entrepreneurship in the framework of EGOV_INNO project. Please find below: The announcement of the call: call_for_papers_egov_inno The guidelines…
Egov and Companies: tools and prospects
Egov and Companies: tools and prospects Apulia Region, Competitiveness and research of product system Unit is organizing an event in Bari on Government to Businesses services, with the participation of…
Two consultation series of the Action Plan on the European project EGOV- INNO of the Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020 has been organized by the Regional Development Fund of the Region of…
Apulia Region Focus Group
On April 18, 2019, in the headquarters of the Apulia Region, a Focus Group was convened with the reference stakeholders, to select the 15 most significant practices and most responsive…